B-U-L-L-Y... The word that has taken lives.
Bullying... What is bullying..... For some Its just a thing that some crazy and stupid people generally do but for some it costs them their lives THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS LIKE THEM ARE GIVING THEIR LIVES, BECAUSE THEY JUST CAN'T TAKE IT. You know the least required people in this world are the ones who don't wants other to live... well to all of them who bully others, maybe that's what your parents have wanted when they first saw you and yeah the doctor would have said CONGRATULATIONS ! Its a Bully What fun is it to make fun of someone, physically or mentally that's a crime. You all must be like flat earthers well not like someone who believe the earth is flat(which is dumb coz its not) but you definitely have a flat brain. Even the slightest thing can cost someone's life so admit it you don't use your brains do you.... oops sorry My bad I just forgot you don't have brain. Bullies are just weak and alone. Understand this that your pain may be the reason for s...